Why We Choose Cans
We choose cans for their ease of use, safety, convenience, light weight, durability, and ecologically friendly quality. All of these factors make cans a favourite container for beverages in homes across Canada. Curb-side and community recycling programs highlight the metal’s value in the recycling bin. The benefits of aluminum work in both directions—for you and for us!
As a responsible citizen of Earth, we invite you to do your own research on the trail of recycling so you are fully aware of where things go after you drop them into your blue cart (recycling), as well as the item’s life cycle and lifespan.
Recycling & Sustainability
Across North America, companies are making use of the many advantages of aluminum, which is a 100% recyclable and sustainable metal. It is one of the only materials in the consumer and industrial waste stream that pays for its own recycling. Aluminum cans return from the recycling bin to the store over and over again, in a true closed loop. Nearly 75 percent of all aluminum ever produced is still in use today!
Environmental & Economics
The sustainable nature of aluminum plays a huge role in the success and economic impact of the aluminum industry. Recycling is a core business operation of the aluminum industry, and in the United States and Canada alone, the industry recycles more than 5 million tons of aluminum each year. Most of this recycled aluminum goes directly back into the North American supply. Because producing recycled aluminum is 92 percent more energy efficient than making new aluminum, the practice is both a business and environmental win.
To learn more on the Aluminum Recycling visit → The Aluminum Association.
To learn more on The Deal on Glass Recycling visit → AQUATERA